TWA's Around The World Service

TWA - Around the World Service

In 1972 TWA had 2 around the worldflights  every day in each direction. Although using different flight numbers and aircrafts it was a true round the world service

Routing was New York -Paris CDG - Tel Aviv - Bombay - Bangkok - Hong Kong - Guam - Honolulu - Los Angeles - New York.

In Tel Aviv, this flight had conenctions to/from Frankfurt and London as well as Rome and Athens.

The same time TWA introduced the Pacific Express. Every day 2 flights departing Los Angeles to Hong Kong. The regular route was Los Angeles - Honolulu - Guam - Okinawa - Taipei - Hong Kong. The Pacific Express Route had a non-stop service from Guam to Hong Kong.

In 1975, TWA pulled out from the Pacific and Far East.

Produced b Trans World Airlines in the 1970s
"The World of TWA"

Total flights

flights this month

Total distance

miles this month

Total hours

hours this month

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active this month